Unfortunately gyms are shut, pools are closed, and most sports events are cancelled. But you should not let this deter you from exercising. Fortunately you can do something about it. We have created a 2 week exercise program to help you stay active. In the program you have total body exercises which can help you…

We as physiotherapists understand back pain. It is annoying, it is nagging and it can be very frustrating to deal with.Back pain can be multifactorial, meaning it can be affected by a number of factors. Pain in the lower back area may be caused by decreased flexibility, muscle weakness and poor work postures (to name a…

We as physiotherapists understand neck pain. It is annoying, it is nagging and it can be very frustrating to deal with.Neck pain can be multifactorial, meaning it can be affected by a number of factors. Neck pain may be caused by decreased flexibility, neck muscle weakness and poor work postures (to name a few). Fortunately…

1: You lose “Match Fitness“ So what is match fitness exactly? It essentially means the type of fitness that relates to your chosen sport. For example, a rugby player and a golf player would use very different energy systems. After a season, your body has adapted to the stress you placed upon it throughout the…

Neck pain is a common condition that can cause substantial pain and suffering. Neck pain is the 4th leading cause of disability worldwide, behind conditions such as low back pain and mental health disorders. On any given day, approximately one in 20 people will experience neck pain (1). Most cases of neck pain are non-serious…

Are you back to sport yet? With the winter sports getting well and truly underway, we start to see a rise in acute sports injuries such as ankle sprains, muscle tears and ligament injuries. So while you’re preparing for the big season ahead, here is a simple guide on the best way to manage these…

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