Physiotherapy, is a healthcare profession dedicated to restoring movement, function, and quality of life to individuals affected by injury, illness, or disability. While many people are familiar with the hands-on techniques and exercise regimens associated with physiotherapy, the science behind these practices is less well-known but equally fascinating. This blog delves into the scientific principles…
Neck pain is a common condition that can cause substantial pain and suffering. Neck pain is the 4th leading cause of disability worldwide, behind conditions such as low back pain and mental health disorders. On any given day, approximately one in 20 people will experience neck pain (1). Most cases of neck pain are non-serious…
Shoulder pain is the 3rd most common musculoskeletal complaint seen in clinical practice, with 70% of patients still experiencing symptoms 6 weeks after their initial presentation, and 50% developing chronic symptoms (Ottenheijm et al 2011). As there are a number of issues that can result in shoulder pain, the symptoms that are experienced can be…
Hamstring strains are one of the most common injuries experienced by those who participate in sports that involve high power and acceleration, such as football, soccer, and athletics. These strains occur when the hamstring muscles are overloaded; either by being overstretched or contracting too hard. The hamstring structure is made up of three main muscles:…
You may not be aware, but ankle injuries account for 22% of all sports injuries presenting to emergency departments, and are one of the most common lower limb sporting injuries. Injuries can occur through damage to bone, ligaments or tendons in the ankle. Whilst there is an increased risk of injury during sporting activities, ankle…
Hip pain is a very common issue that affects people of all ages, with varying causes. Depending on the cause, pain can be felt around the hip joints, thigh, groin or buttocks. There are a number of issues and conditions that can result in hip pain, but some of the more common causes include arthritis,…
Neck pain is a common condition that can cause substantial pain and suffering. Neck pain is the 4th leading cause of disability worldwide, behind conditions such as low back pain and mental health disorders. On any given day, approximately one in 20 people will experience neck pain. In recent years there has been an increase…
What is the Pelvic Floor? The pelvic floor is a complex layer of muscle; fascia and fibrous tissue that helps support the pelvic organs. Does birth weaken the pelvic floor? Yes. Giving birth can weaken or damage the pelvic floor. Skeletal muscle is supposed to rupture when it reaches approximately 150% of its normal length….
Why does pregnancy cause back pain? During pregnancy there are 3 main changes that can lead to pain in the back and SIJ – Changes in weight distribution and Posture. During pregnancy your body’s centre of gravity shifts forward in relation to the spine. This puts extra pressure on the joints of both the lumbar…
Active Lifestyle Physiotherapy is passionate about improving the lives of senior Australians through providing specific aged care physiotherapy services. We have a strong belief that physiotherapy can drastically improve the quality of life for residents in aged care, no matter how complex their challenges may be. The physiotherapists at Active Lifestyle understand that aged care…