With the start of another year many of you may have made the New Year’s resolution of getting moving and exercising more.  If you have that’s fantastic! That’s the first step. The second is to know how to go about it safely and without getting injured.  That’s where we come in.  In this article I’m…

  Shoulder pain is the 3rd most common musculoskeletal complaint seen in clinical practice, with 70% of patients still experiencing symptoms 6 weeks after their initial presentation, and 50% developing chronic symptoms (Ottenheijm et al 2011). There are a number of structures in the shoulder that can cause pain, and the most common causes of…

Ankle injuries are one of the most common injuries on the sporting field. We see and treat a significant amount of them in the clinic. Taping and bracing are practical methods to prevent future ankle injuries. We receive a lot of questions surrounding taping and bracing, most notably: What is the difference between ankle bracing…

1: Increase your Exercise Intensity So you may be doing some exercise at home to prepare for your sports season but how intense is it? Are you adding sprints, jumps and changes of directions that your sport requires? You have a great opportunity before the season starts to really increase your exercise capacity so that…

1: You lose “Match Fitness“ So what is match fitness exactly? It essentially means the type of fitness that relates to your chosen sport. For example, a rugby player and a golf player would use very different energy systems. After a season, your body has adapted to the stress you placed upon it throughout the…

As gyms begin to reopen and many teams are preparing for the resumption of the 2020 Winter Sports Season it is important that we prepare our bodies to reduce injury risks associated with the long lay off. Gradually restart exercise to prevent injuriesPeople should look to reduce weights by 30 per cent then increase slowly…

Are you back to sport yet? With the winter sports getting well and truly underway, we start to see a rise in acute sports injuries such as ankle sprains, muscle tears and ligament injuries. So while you’re preparing for the big season ahead, here is a simple guide on the best way to manage these…

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