Most people will have never heard of a “bursa”, however it is a very common cause of significant pain and injury in the body (bursitis). What is a bursa? A bursa is a very thin, small fibrous sack that sits between bone and tendon. They are found in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and various…
ITB friction syndrome is a painful condition that occurs due to excessive friction on the outer area of the knee joint. It is an overuse injury that occurs primarily in runners and hence gets the name “runner’s knee”. Essentially the problem arises when the Illiotibial Band (ITB), a long connective tissue structure that runs from…
Nocturnal Cramps: Nocturnal leg cramps in adults are a common problem with some sources reporting that approximately 30% of adults over 60 experiences some form of nocturnal leg cramps. Nocturnal leg cramps usually affect the calf muscles and intrinsic foot muscles, and are characterized by strong involuntary contraction of muscles that can be extremely painful….