With the start of another year many of you may have made the New Year’s resolution of getting moving and exercising more. If you have that’s fantastic! That’s the first step. The second is to know how to go about it safely and without getting injured. That’s where we come in. In this article I’m…
Achilles tendon disorders are common in athletic and non-athletic populations. Approximately 24% of competitive athletes will experience an Achilles tendon disorder during their lifetime (with 18% sustained during their sporting career). Among runners, the prevalence is much higher (40-50%) [1]. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle (gastrocnemius) to the back of the heel (calcaneus)….
Shoulder pain is the 3rd most common musculoskeletal complaint seen in clinical practice, with 70% of patients still experiencing symptoms 6 weeks after their initial presentation, and 50% developing chronic symptoms (Ottenheijm et al 2011). There are a number of structures in the shoulder that can cause pain, and the most common causes of…
Headaches are an incredibly common issue that impacts a huge proportion of the general population. It is estimated that 15-20 percent of headaches are cervicogenic headache (CGH) and epidemiological research suggests much higher prevalence in those with neck pain. Possible sources of pain are spinal structures from C1 to C3 spinal nerves including: Upper cervical…