Falls increase with age, with 30% of these falls in the older population leading to moderate to severe injuries. These injuries can include concussions, hip fractures and shoulder strains that can have a negative impact on a person’s everyday life.

A fall may lead to a fear of falling, social isolation, reduced daily activities which has a negative impact on the quality of life.


Why do older people fall? 

– Declined sensory input such as impaired vision
– Reduced reactive speed
– Reduced lower limb strength
– Cognitive impairments



How can Physiotherapy reduce the risk of falls?

A thorough consultation can help identify the most probable risk factors for the individual, these can be in the form of balance testing, strength measures and fitness assessments. There is an abundance of research to show a well designed strength and conditioning exercise program, performed 2 hours per week can help reduce the risk of falls in the elderly population by almost 40%. 

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