Knee Surgery is a last resort intervention that can often be avoided,or at least delayed, with the right advice and the right management.

Surgical procedures are under gone for a huge variety of conditions, management plans should be individual to your circumstances however there are a few key pieces of advice that may help you.

Load Management

For most people their knees become irritable after episodes of increased knee loading. This may be a long day of walking, or it may be too many flights of stairs. Keeping exercise to meaningful, but manageable levels is a simple but effective way of avoiding big spikes in pain, and avoiding the forced time off your feet afterwards.

Stronger Muscles Supporting the Knees

Particularly true for those with osteoarthritis, joint pain can be mitigated long term if you have a robust support system supporting the knee.

‘You can’t go wrong getting strong’ !

Balance and Proprioceptive Exercise

Feeling like your knee is giving way can be a significant cause for concern. Training your balance and proprioception – a complex interaction between your brain’s control over your muscles – may be a way of improving your knee symptoms. 

How Physiotherapy Can Help

If you are having knee pain or problems and would like guidance and a personalised exercise program, the Physiotherapy team at Active Lifestyle will be able to help.

They may also be able to immediately relieve your pain with techniques such as:

  • Joint Mobilisation
  • Soft Tissue Release
  • Dry Needling 
  • Taping

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