In the clinic we have a number of clients that experience low level but irritating neck pain. This annoying pain can obviously be frustrating and tiring. Below are some top tips to get control of your long standing issue.
1 . You Sit for Long Periods of Time
There is a book in the USA called ‘Sitting Is The New Smoking’ which sums up the health issues of living a sedentary lifestyle. Long periods of sitting exposes your shoulders and neck to extra pressure from gravity trying to pull us down. When you are standing, you can absorb pressure equally through your back, hips, knees and ankles. We recommend setting an alarm hourly at least to get out of the chair and walk around your workspace. You will feel limber and refreshed.
2 . You Have Poor Desk Ergonomics
The key things we look for in a desk setup is table height, screen height and having a well structured chair. If you are routinely hunching towards your screen or poking your neck forward, you should address this.
3 . You Carry Heavy Bags, Backpacks or Handbags Consistently
If you consistently carry belongings on your shoulders your neck muscle will obviously be working to maintain your spine in good alignment. At the clinic we certainly advise lightening your bag if possible so that weight isn’t going through your neck and upper back muscles.
If you can’t lighten your bag try a couple of other strategies:
1. Carry some of your belongings in your hands
2. Carry your bag on alternating shoulders when one tires
3. Get a sports back designed for function and comfort, not just for style
4 . You Sleep in Poor Positions
Do you sleep with too many or too few pillows? How do you know how many pillows to use?
This will largely depend on your body size, shape and structure. We do however recommend keeping your spine in good alignment. If your spine or neck is excessively tilted you may wake with discomfort. See the images below for reference.
5 . You Have Neck Weakness
The neck like any other part of the body has muscles that benefit from being strong and robust. By having better muscle strength and endurance, you will be able to sit in better postures for longer and likely have less neck aches.
By doing a number of special tests your physiotherapist can test your isolated neck strength and endurance and give you some insight into what is causing your issue.
If you have neck concerns, book in today to get you on the path to recovery!